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game bird是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

game bird

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网络释义:猎鸟;猎禽;一局中的决胜分复数:game birds  


game birdn.

1.可捕猎的鸟;野禽a bird that people hunt for sport or food


n.1.a bird that people hunt and kill for sport

1.猎鸟 game ball 决胜负的一球, 最后一球 game bird 猎鸟, 猎禽 game cock 斗鸡 ...

2.猎禽1 年时卷入讨论的,当时争论的是哪只鸟是欧洲最快的猎禽game bird),(Golden Plover)金鹬还是(Grouse)松鸡。

3.一局中的决胜分 game ball 一局中的决胜分 game bird 一局中的决胜分 game point 一局中的决胜分 ...

4.野禽 fattening bird 肥育的禽 game bird 野禽 money bird 一场中的决胜分(西方称法) ...

5.狩猎野禽 ... bird nest 鸟窝 锅垢 炉渣 game bird 狩猎野禽,狩猎野禽 queer bird 古怪的家伙 ...

6.可猎取的鸟 fruit 水果 game bird 可猎取的鸟 garlic 大蒜 ...

7.供猎禽类 ... 猎物;猎物肉;野味 game 供猎禽类 game bird 配子 gamete ...

8.准许捕猎的鸟庭饲养的鸡、鹅、鸭、珍珠鸡等);通常也不包括任何“准许捕猎的鸟”(game bird)。


1.First the owner approached, holding a large glossy game-bird as if asking me to stroke it before I ordered it to eat.首先,这里的老板走了过来,抓着一只羽毛油亮的禽鸟,仿佛是要我在下锅之前摸一摸它。

2.He could not find the answer to what seemed like a simple question: What was Europe's fastest game bird?他无法找到问题的答案似乎是一个什么简单的问题:什么是欧洲最快的猎鸟?

3.(game bird) flesh of any of various grouse of the family Tetraonidae; usually roasted; flesh too dry to broil.(猎鸟,猎禽)鸡形目禽鸟科的所有松鸡的肉;常用作烘烤;肉太干,不适合于烧烤。

4.(game bird) flesh of quail; suitable for roasting or broiling if young; otherwise must be braised.(猎鸟,猎禽)鹌鹑的肉;如果是幼鸟,适合于烘烤或烧烤;否则必须炖。

5.Old or New World straight-billed game bird of the sandpiper family; of marshy areas; similar to the woodcocks .新旧大陆矶鹬科的长喙猎鸟;产于沼泽地区;与丘鹬形似。

6.The Lesser Painted Snipe has traditionally been regarded as a desirable game-bird in Chile and Argentina and has been regularly hunted.半领彩鹬是在智利及阿根廷等地是民间传统上的赛鸟,因此多有被捕猎的纪录。

7.Food Matching: Sweetbread, kidney veal, Parma ham, rack of lamb with little vegetable, poultry and game bird.食物搭配:小牛腰子,帕尔玛火腿,羊排,禽类。

8.heavy-bodied small-winged South American game bird resembling a gallinaceous bird but related to the ratite birds.南美体重翼小的猎鸟,形似鹌鹑但与平胸鸟有亲缘。

9.Red grouse, a wild game bird endemic to Britain, live and breed on heather moorland.红松鸡是英国独有的野生猎禽,生长于石楠花荒野高原。

10.Given that the flight muscles usually contain about 0. 35% glycogen by weight, calculate how long a game Bird can fly.因为通常飞翔肌中含有大约0.35%的糖原,计算猎鸟能飞多长时间?
